Infectious diseases

Sciences & Technology

3 reasons why the release of GM mosquitoes in Queensland is risky

We do need to control disease-carrying mosquitoes in Australia, but more research is needed on GM strains before their proposed release in Queensland

Sciences & Technology

We’re not winning the battle between mosquitoes and modern homes

By blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, modern homes often invite mosquitoes. But there are ways to prevent them and the diseases they carry

Sciences & Technology

We now know what causes the Buruli ulcer, so what are we doing about it?

Knowing that mosquitoes are involved in the transmission of the Buruli ulcer in Victoria is a breakthrough, but we need to work out what happens next to tackle the disease

Health & Medicine

How a simulation is informing COVID-19 vaccine policy after our ‘return to normal’

A new model can simulate thousands of ‘individuals’ – each with their own vaccination and infection histories – tailoring vaccine schedules as new COVID-19 variants emerge

Health & Medicine

Is ‘herd immunity’ in intensive care doing more harm than good?

New research suggests an antibiotic treatment commonly used in Intensive Care Units is putting patients at risk by creating ‘herd peril’

Health & Medicine

A new way to manage antibiotic allergies in Australia

Two million Australians self-report an allergy to penicillin – but most actually aren’t allergic – and this can lead to serious public health consequences

Health & Medicine

Ending the global tuberculosis epidemic

TB occurs in every part of the world and remains a major public health challenge that we can end through concerted action

Health & Medicine

Bird flu, human cases and the risk to Australia

Avian flu is continuing to spread throughout the world, infecting some mammals as it goes – but what’s the risk to Australia?

Health & Medicine

Into the wild to fight antibiotic resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is part of the chemical warfare bacteria wage in nature, and that’s where researchers now looking for new clues to overcome it

Health & Medicine

Cannibal immune cells could offer new treatment path

Researchers discover that a type of immune cell can cannibalise the properties of other cells, creating the potential for harnessing them for new therapies and vaccines