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  1. 3 June 2022 - Science Matters

    The Australian grasshopper that’s given up sex

    A unique grasshopper that's an all-female species that doesn’t have sex to reproduce gives new insights into evolution, say University of Melbourne experts.

  2. 11 April 2022 - Science Matters

    Dengue-blocking mosquitoes here to stay

    Mosquitoes carrying anti-viral bacteria show remarkable stability a decade since their release in field trials, shows University of Melbourne research

  3. 1 February 2022 - Science Matters

    Saving aquatic insects: We may be looking in the wrong place

    Aquatic insects are at risk of extinction, but in understanding why we may need to look beyond the quality of the water, says University of Melbourne expert

  4. 8 November 2021 - Science Matters

    Mini-beast renaturing: A time for local action

    Globally, insect numbers are dwindling but University of Melbourne experts say we could help our ecosystem by renaturing mini-beasts in our own urban backyards.

  5. Podcast23 June 2021 - Science Matters

    How can we prevent Insect Armageddon?

    University of Melbourne geneticist Phil Batterham discusses his work on insecticides and how to develop more effective and sustainable pest control strategies

  6. 19 October 2020 - Science Matters

    Secrets of the basket-web spider’s silk

    A new study, including the University of Melbourne, reveals the first insights into the evolution and structure of the Australian basket-web spider’s rare silk.

  7. 20 August 2020 - Science Matters

    The grasshopper that was lost, then found, is now endangered

    After thought to be extinct, the Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper was found; but as its habitat shrinks, University of Melbourne research finds it’s now endangered.

  8. 11 August 2020 - Science Matters

    Targeting the bacteria inside insects for improved pest management

    New research including the University of Melbourne is targeting essential microorganisms inside insect pests to potentially revolutionise farm pest management.

  9. 19 September 2019 - Science Matters

    Rediscovering a ‘lost’ species

    A rare insect species, Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper, was thought to be extinct in Victoria but has now been rediscovered by University of Melbourne researchers.

  10. 14 February 2019 - Go Figure

    Would cockroaches really survive a nuclear apocalypse?

    University of Melbourne experts look at the cockroaches' reputation for resilience and whether they really would survive a nuclear bomb and radiation.