International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Politics & Society
Fixing the blind spot in nuclear inspections
A blind spot in safeguards culture led to a ‘that’s the way we do things around here’ approach at the IAEA – but lessons have been learned since Iraq

Sciences & Technology
Disarmament: What is it good for?
Efforts to control the weaponisation of new technologies like AI are fragmented, but the UN hosts an existing disarmament framework that could bring these efforts together

Politics & Society
The risk of Australia reconsidering the Iran nuclear deal
Although Australia is not a party to the Iran nuclear deal, Scott Morrison is reviewing whether Australia should follow Donald Trump’s lead and withdraw its support

Politics & Society
What comes after America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal?
President Trump calling time on the nuclear deal with Iran has divided political opinion, but what are the pros and cons of pulling out of what many see as a “flawed” deal?

Politics & Society
“Risky” lack of nuclear governance in the Asia Pacific
Strong nuclear industry governance is crucial to ensuring power stations are safe and industrial nuclear material is kept out of the wrong hands, but in large parts of the Asia Pacific nuclear governance too often looks like “window dressing”