Map of the Month

We checked if Melbourne really is a dog-friendly city
The city looks, smells and sounds very different to our most popular animal friends, so we mapped Melbourne to see if it is a City for Dogs

Politics & Society
The stories hidden in maps
Maps tell stories, help discovery, provoke discussion and can change the way we understand our world. Welcome to Map of the Month

Politics & Society
Is Melbourne really a 24-hour city if public transport stops?
Sometimes Melbourne’s public transport goes dark. Our Map of the Month shows it makes life hard – even dangerous – for those in our night-time economy

Politics & Society
Mapping the hidden lives of Melbourne’s night workers
The term night-time economy evokes images of people enjoying late-night activities, but our Map of the Month asks, what of the workers that keep the city running while the rest of us sleep?

How many 20-minute neighbourhoods does Melbourne really have?
Walkable cities are gaining traction. Our Map of the Month shows which Melbourne suburbs are walking distance to childcare, pharmacies and GPs

These maps tell us we need to cool our sweltering streets
Our Map of the Month shows the impact of asphalt and concrete on city temperatures, and why we need to ‘de-pave’ and ‘re-plant’ in a warming climate

Politics & Society
‘Bumping spaces’ build community – when they are within reach
Social connection needs time and effort, but crucially it also needs meeting places, and our Map of the Month highlights that not all Melburnians have equal access to these ‘bumping spaces’