
Politics & Society
The stories hidden in maps
Maps tell stories, help discovery, provoke discussion and can change the way we understand our world. Welcome to Map of the Month

Health & Medicine
We aren’t all equal when it comes to climate vulnerability
A new index measures the social vulnerability of communities in the face of climate change in Australia – and finds inequalities across the country

Arts & Culture
Working to preserve cultural tradition through technology
Ngarluma man Andrew Dowding’s research fuses education, innovation and heritage in digital mapping to empower Indigenous Australians

Politics & Society
Mapping back to a lost childhood
A new interactive online map of Australian care homes is helping those who grew up in care track down the institutions they stayed in, and their records

Sciences & Technology
Go Figure
Why do some people believe the Earth is flat?
Although scientific evidence says the Earth is a sphere orbiting the Sun, there are some people around who still think our planet is flat... and social media plays a role

Arts & Culture
Restoring one of the world’s rarest maps
Over 350 years ago, Dutch traders produced the first large-scale map of Australia, now painstakingly restored

Sciences & Technology
Crunching the numbers for the common good
How big data is informing some of the big decisions about our country’s future