Maternal Health
Health & Medicine
Replanting the birthing trees
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and communities are working with researchers to create safe and sacred places for babies and families in the first 2000 days of life
Health & Medicine
Bringing an Aboriginal lens and ownership to health data
By working in partnership with Aboriginal communities, data research has for the first time built a comprehensive view of maternal health on Yorta Yorta country
Health & Medicine
A simple way to improve maternal health globally
A key treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia isn’t being used in many parts of the world – University of Melbourne experts look at why and suggest solutions
Health & Medicine
We need to keep talking about miscarriage
Bereavement leave for miscarriage is welcome but more work is needed to better support people through their grief
Health & Medicine
Midwives on the COVID-19 frontline in Indonesia
Midwives in Indonesia have been battling through COVID-19 and putting themselves at risk in what is another reminder of the importance of protecting frontline health workers
Health & Medicine
The challenge of treating HIV in mothers and babies in Malawi
Sustained availability of treatments and reducing drop out rates are key to tackling HIV in mothers and their infants in Malawi, but COVID-19 is making it harder
Health & Medicine
Rising caesarean rates and inequality
Global rates of caesarean section are rising alarmingly, especially in Asia, and as the Indonesian experience shows, these rates are accompanied by widening inequality in access
Health & Medicine
Many of the world’s women are mistreated during childbirth
New research shows that more than one-third of women in four low and middle-income countries are being mistreated when giving birth in health facilities
Health & Medicine
Supporting families with twin babies…or more
The number of families having multiple babies – like twins, triplets or more – has doubled in the last 40 years, but the support and advice provided to those families needs to catch up
Health & Medicine
Birth isn’t destiny
A study of over 12,000 births suggests that the high rates of low birth weight among Aboriginal babies can be addressed within a generation if we improve maternal health