Melbourne Graduate School of Education


Rebuilding trust in a less trusting environment

COVID-19 and lockdowns have challenged our trust in institutions and in each other, but simple every day actions can help us to rebuild



Book extract

Finding what really works in education

Using data and reason, rather than intuition, to decide where to invest the large sums spent globally on education, would make a huge difference to the learning outcomes of many students


Rewriting the book on literature teaching

As the literary landscape evolves, so does how the subject is taught in schools. How are our new teachers coping with the challenge?


Changing the shape of teaching

50 years ago Wesley Imms’ classroom was a ship. The next year a spaceship. Those memories sparked his quest for learning spaces to fit the needs of 21st century schoolkids.


Getting school refusers back to class

How a ground-breaking intervention program is working with families and schools to get children learning again


Four ways to unlock the potential of Australian students

Governments and education leaders must work together in the national interest to reverse the declining education performance


Making a case for teacher aides

A recent study suggests they actually hinder student progress, but it is the teacher aides themselves who deserve a helping hand

Arts & Culture

An unflinching look inside our classrooms

Professor Field Rickards says a landmark documentary shows just how hard teaching is – and why Australian education is ready for transformation

Arts & Culture

The key to teaching collaboration

An online tool to measure students’ collaborative problem solving skills is helping teachers equip students for the modern world of work