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  1. 30 October 2020 - Design

    Without sustainable cities, global development goals will fail

    Australian cities are applying the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, using local action to drive global sustainability, show University of Melbourne experts.

  2. 21 October 2020 - Design

    The future of offices in post-COVID Melbourne

    As we work to get the economy and employment back on track, to what extent will workers return to offices post COVID-19, ask University of Melbourne experts

  3. 19 October 2020 - Health & Medicine

    The rollercoaster of COVID-19 easing

    As COVID-19 restrictions ease in Victoria, a University of Melbourne expert says it’s important to remember that in terms of next steps – we make our own luck.

  4. 14 October 2020 - Legal Affairs

    How social procurement can revive Victoria’s economy

    University of Melbourne experts say Victoria's Social Procurement Framework can stimulate the local economy and combat the socio-economic effects of COVID-19.

  5. 13 October 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    So, Victoria, what do we do now?

    A University of Melbourne expert says it’s now mathematically impossible that Melbourne will reach its COVID-19 case target to release to Step 3 of the Roadmap.

  6. 25 September 2020 - Legal Affairs

    COVID-19 and curfews

    Some Victorians say COVID-19 restrictions are risking their human rights – particularly the curfew – but are they right, asks a University of Melbourne expert?

  7. 1 September 2020 - Design

    How can we open up Melbourne while tackling disadvantage?

    Melbourne’s COVID-19 cases concentrate in the north and west. University of Melbourne experts look at this pattern and how to ‘re-open’ and tackle disadvantage.

  8. 6 August 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Making sense of Victoria’s daily COVID-19 cases – and (maybe) some good news

    A University of Melbourne expert says batching explains why the number of new COVID-19 cases in Victoria is a rollercoaster, but this may also mean good news.

  9. 21 July 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Use Stage 4 wisely, or not at all

    A University of Melbourne expert says if Stage 4 restrictions are introduced in Victoria to tackle a spike in COVID-19 cases, there has to be a worthy goal.

  10. 13 February 2020 - Humanities

    Our savage history of fighting bushfires

    As Australia endures horror bushfires, a new project by the University of Melbourne is discovering the country’s historical firefighters who lost their lives.