
Health & Medicine
How big data is unlocking insights into psychology
The personal data we are now all generating is making it easier for researchers to take psychology out of the lab and into the field

Health & Medicine
A window on memory loss in Alzheimer’s
Using a miniscope to observe the brain in action, researchers find evidence that memory loss in Alzheimer’s may partly be a signalling problem

Health & Medicine
Fear, memory and brain exploration
A largely unknown region of the brain, the zona incerta, could hold the key to how we control our fears

Health & Medicine
Delving into memory to understand schizophrenia
Impaired memory is a symptom of schizophrenia and University of Melbourne PhD student Cassandra Wannan has identified areas of the brain that give us new clues as to what’s going on

Sciences & Technology
Go Figure
What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu?
Many of us have had the experience of seeing or doing something and it feeling eerily familiar, but what do we know about what’s happening when we get déjà vu?

Health & Medicine
Why the number of dementia cases has doubled
Dementia cases have doubled over the past 25 years, creating enormous health challenges around the world. So, it’s important that we act on evolving health advice…and that means exercising

Health & Medicine
Why kids genuinely ‘can’t wait’
A child’s developing memory makes the world wondrous and slow, but an adult’s reliance on routine speeds everything up so that we really do exist in a different time perception

Health & Medicine
Exercising in middle age can save your memory later
Landmark 20-year study shows regular physical activity is the No.1 protector against cognitive decline

Sciences & Technology
Go Figure
Why smells trigger your memories
Smells can evoke some of our deepest memories. It could be because our sense of smell is just too simple.

How neuroscience beats PowerPoint coma
Let a neuroscientist show you how to blitz your next office presentation and keep your colleagues interested (and alive)