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  1. 8 September 2020 - Design

    Modelling Victoria’s escape from COVID-19

    Dynamic policy models can help Victoria think through how we get to ‘COVID-normal’. Here University of Melbourne experts explain their new modelling

  2. 24 May 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    The race in the elimination stakes

    Australia’s states and territories are racing toward elimination of COVID-19, but some may not cross the finish line, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  3. 1 April 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Where is the data on whether Australia aims to squash or flatten the curve?

    Australians should understand the government's strategy for COVID-19; a University of Melbourne expert says this means open access to disease modelling data.

  4. 23 March 2020 - Science Matters

    Modelling the spread of COVID-19

    Forecasting the spread of COVID-19 including undetected cases is difficult but important; a University of Melbourne scientist has an app to track the outlook.

  5. 23 March 2020 - Health & Medicine

    The maths and ethics of minimising COVID-19 deaths

    A University of Melbourne experts says the government must factor in the maths and ethics of either flattening the curve or an eradication endgame for COVID-19.

  6. 4 February 2020 - Engineering & Technology

    What maths can tell us about the spread of the new coronavirus

    University of Melbourne experts explain how mathematical modelling is helping to map the coronavirus outbreak – helping to predict the virus' global spread.

  7. 23 April 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    The language of colour, kinship and climate

    A University of Melbourne expert uses computational models to understand how different languages organise the world into different categories.

  8. 14 March 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Protecting the world from the threat of pandemics

    University of Melbourne researchers are creating mathematical models of infectious diseases like pandemic flu, giving governments a toolkit for taking action

  9. 24 February 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Bringing 3D imaging to kidney patients

    3D computer imaging of kidney disease can readily bring highly detailed imaging into clinical settings, finds University of Melbourne and Austin Health research

  10. 31 October 2018 - Engineering & Technology

    Preparing for our new extremes

    University of Melbourne research has developed a new tools in disaster-resilience modelling; as we face the effects of extreme climate change and disasters.