Movie Review

Health & Medicine
What disaster movies can teach us about coping with COVID-19
Cinema may have a lesson or two to teach us about how society can work together and collectively overcome shared threats like a pandemic

Arts & Culture
Bringing ancient Rome to life
Filmmakers just love the vivid drama of Ancient Rome. But which screen visions of the ancient superpower do our history experts rate the best?

Arts & Culture
No laughing matter: The Death of Stalin and Putin’s anxieties
Russia’s ban on the movie reveals how much the Kremlin fears losing its grip on power

Arts & Culture
Black Panther: How global civil rights found a home in a superhero movie
The latest Marvel movie adaption, Black Panther, arrives in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement with its own take on global Civil Rights - with a pan-African twist

Arts & Culture
Blade Runner 2049: Identity, humanity and discrimination
Blade Runner 2049, like the original, is about what it means to be human. But the ethical implications of cloning could prophesize an ethically fraught future

Sciences & Technology
The Aliens among us
If you are scared witless by the Alien movies then read no further, these six animals are just as creepy and they’re here on Earth

Arts & Culture
Alien life as we know it
The discovery of life on another planet is becoming more likely - so the movie Life isn’t purely fiction

Arts & Culture
Suicide Squad is far from painless
Finally, we have some evidence that DC’s superhero juggernaut is changing course, but it’s moving very slowly

Arts & Culture
Seven Shakespeare movies you cannot miss
The Bard’s plays have been turned into hundreds of films – but these seven stand out because they entertain and deepen our understanding of his work

Arts & Culture
Captain America is a Marvel to behold
Were Disney and Marvel to go head to head with superhero rivals Warner Brothers and DC, the former would win hands-down