
Politics & Society


In Pursuit of Knowledge

Episode 2: Strengthening multiculturalism in a time of conflict

In this Episode of In Pursuit of Knowledge we ask why multiculturalism in Australia appears to be under significant strain, and what can we do to repair it?

Arts & Culture

‘Tis the season to celebrate Australia’s diversity

The Australian summer holidays are an opportunity to explore and celebrate some of our diverse cultures and communities

Health & Medicine

Sport and that sense of belonging

For young people from disadvantaged families and refugee communities in Australia, participating in sport can help to create pathways to belonging


Designing-in difference

Culturally inclusive urban design can help shape our everyday public spaces, encouraging a vibrant multicultural social fabric here in Melbourne

Business & Economics

Gender reshaping the traditional Australian household

Couples with children still dominate Australia but the HILDA Survey 2019 shows women working and earning more is creating a subtle and sometimes difficult rebalancing at home


Moving between different cultural worlds

Young Australians from migrant and refugee backgrounds are close to their families, but this can mean they have to negotiate a balance between different cultural expectations

Politics & Society

What’s it like to be young and from overseas in Australia?

The first ever census of young Australians from refugee and migrant backgrounds paints a mixed picture of optimism and belonging against a backdrop of ongoing discrimination

Arts & Culture



Hearing, healing and Havana

How an anthropologist’s cultural experiences in Cuba led to a multicultural music project in Melbourne

Politics & Society

Mapping Australia’s multicultural future

In a world first, Australia will conduct a census of multicultural young people in the country - finding out how they’re faring economically and socially, and their vision for the future