
Sciences & Technology

What five thylacine skulls can tell us about extinction

The Tasmanian tiger is extinct. The only specimens are in museums, but it’s amazing what five thylacine skulls can still tell us

Health & Medicine

One of the most affecting and unsettling things I have ever seen

The Berry Collection was a poorly curated anatomical and anthropological collection that facilitated scientific racism and was dominated by unethically sourced Aboriginal remains

Sciences & Technology

A biobank freezes Australian species for the future

By freezing the cells of living animals, researchers and museums are working together to safeguard Australia’s wildlife

Arts & Culture

Digital ‘history machines’ are never politically neutral

As library, museum and other heritage collections go online, we need to consider who is creating these collections and why


Lockdown ‘field trip’ reveals whereabouts of Australian grasshoppers

Using old field notes and new technology, researchers used COVID lockdowns to retrace the steps of pioneering Australian insect surveyors, virtually

Arts & Culture

Bringing a living archive to life

The Living Archive challenges the idea of what an Indigenous museum collection can be and could become

Arts & Culture

Uncomfortable truths from a town to a nation

The storytelling in Tennant Creek is a microcosm of Australia’s struggle to come to terms with its past

Arts & Culture

Museums in cyberspace

In the face of COVID-19, museums have moved to engage audiences online. Here are some lessons on what works and what doesn’t

Arts & Culture

Feather-flowers and photographs

A University of Melbourne collaboration is connecting Australia’s First Peoples’ with museum collections, creating a 'living archive' of Indigenous culture.


The young and curious: How Science Gallery can break down silos

An innovative longitudinal study will explore and challenge what young people want from their cultural institutions