
Politics & Society

We need more than a ban on Nazi salutes to fight racism

While addressing racist gestures is important, criminalisation is not the only answer. We must deal with the underlying social, political and cultural conditions that enable them

Politics & Society

Banning the Nazi salute is one thing, let’s talk about the consequences

Neo-Nazis feed on fear and controversy. Their response to new Australian laws banning their symbols is hard to predict

Arts & Culture

Scientist and killer: A split life

How does an urbane chemist become a Nazi, then go back to being a respected researcher? And what does it say about the extent of the humanity in all of us?

Health & Medicine

The secret life of the professor

Code-breaking and the Enigma machine, clandestine missions with invasion forces to scouring Hitler’s mountain lair – all this before Oscar Oeser became the founding Professor of Psychology

Politics & Society

Crimes against humanity

A century of retributive humanitarianism: The 2015 London School of Economics-University of Melbourne Annual Lecture with Gerry Simpson