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  1. 7 January 2019 - Go Figure

    The I’m-trying-to-get-around-you dance explained

    Two people walk towards each other, both try and get out of the way - suddenly, they’re doing the ‘sidewalk salsa'; two University of Melbourne experts explain.

  2. 11 December 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    How difficult decisions change our brains

    New University of Melbourne research finds making a difficult choice between two desirable things can change the way our brains think about future preferences.

  3. 4 December 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Stimulating the brain – without major surgery

    University of Melbourne researchers have shown the Stentrode, a tiny device inserted next to the motor cortex, can stimulate, as well as record, brain activity.

  4. 18 November 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Schizophrenia: Mapping how the brain changes

    University of Melbourne researchers use a new MRI technique to reveal how changes in grey and white matter in the brains of people with schizophrenia are linked

  5. 26 August 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    MS and new ways of regenerating our brain’s insulation

    New University of Melbourne research that stimulates myelin production, a step that could help people living with degenerative neurological diseases like MS.

  6. 11 October 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    What is mindfulness? Nobody really knows, and that’s a problem

    Mindfulness is all the rage in mainstream Western culture, but University of Melbourne research raises questions over how poorly defined and researched it is.

  7. 1 October 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Uncovering the brain biology of eating disorders

    Brain imaging and advances in genetics are starting to uncover the potential biological drivers of eating disorders, including a potential biomarker in our eyes

  8. 25 July 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    ‘Rusty’ brains linked to Alzheimer’s

    University of Melbourne researchers have discovered high iron levels in the brain play an important role in the onset of Alzheimer's.

  9. 8 March 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    So, you understand the brain … now what?

    Linking neuroscience and education may seem like a no-brainer, but translating brain insights into practical advice for teachers is harder than it sounds.

  10. 3 March 2017 - Go Figure

    Tone deaf? Why you can still hit the right notes

    Tone deafness is a condition where you can't distinguish betweenmusical pitches or tones. But University of Melbourne experts say you can enjoy music.