
Talking to young people about the Voice
Explaining a referendum on constitutional law to young people can seem a tall order, but they already have a good knowledge of the world around them

Politics & Society
Fifty shades of teal
The independent “teal” candidates have shaken up the 2022 Australian election campaign, but there are plenty of idiosyncrasies among them

Politics & Society
The need for more parliament in Victoria’s Pandemic Bill
The big problem with Victoria’s Pandemic Management Bill is too much power to government and far too little to parliament to balance things out

Politics & Society
In times of crisis, does parliament really matter?
The sidelining of parliaments across Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the dominance of the new National Cabinet, has concerned experts but not the public. Why?

Politics & Society
Australian democracy: crisis, resilience and renewal
Concerns that democracy is in decline has led to new experiments with citizen assemblies and juries, but we also need to look at revitalising what we already have – our parliaments

Politics & Society
Here’s how to renew Australia’s Democracy
Citizen juries, an independent speaker, and ensuring MPs get to sit with their opponents, not opposite them, are all proposals at the heart of a new push to improve how Australian democracy works

Politics & Society
Section 44: Changing the Constitution to reflect modern Australia
As Section 44(i) of the Constitution continues to claim the scalps of Australian politicians who have dual citizenship - is the law still relevant in modern, multicultural Australia?

Business & Economics
Is Australia’s public service competent?
Was the Census fail a one-off or is there a pattern of failure within the public service, and if so what is happening?

Politics & Society
The PM has painted a very clear picture
How Mr Turnbull has put the onus for a July election squarely on the Senate crossbenchers