
Health & Medicine
Richer countries are getting unfair access to life-saving vaccines
New research finds that the way vaccines are manufactured and priced is creating inequality between the world’s richest and poorest countries

Health & Medicine
Starving the bacterium that causes pneumonia
By targeting an essential nutrition pathway, researchers hope to develop drug targets against the bacterium that causes pneumonia

Health & Medicine
Closing the oxygen access gap
In Australia, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we take oxygen access in our hospitals for granted. But new research is working to ‘close the oxygen gap’ globally and potentially change the world

Health & Medicine
Immunising kids against pneumonia
Across the Asia-Pacific, too many children are still dying from pneumonia, but a new study in Laos is proving that vaccinating the most vulnerable can protect entire communities

Health & Medicine
Saving lives when the power goes out
In many remote communities around the world, electricity can be intermittent at best and non-existent at worst, but FREO₂ LPOS is delivering oxygen without power and saving children’s lives

Health & Medicine
The vaccine saving the lives of Pacific children
Each year, about 650,000 children under the age of five die from pneumonia. But effective vaccination, in some of the world’s poorer countries, is saving lives

Health & Medicine
The breath of life
In many remote communities, the thought of electricity can be a distant reality, but now a device is producing oxygen without electricity and saving lives

Health & Medicine
Training for recovery before major surgery
New research finds that seeing a physiotherapist before abdominal surgery can halve the rate of potentially deadly respiratory complications

Health & Medicine
Oxygen machine powers on to save lives
How a physicist and a global health expert joined forces to give the breath of life to critically-ill children in hospitals without a secure source of electricity