
Politics & Society

Australia’s pawnbrokers are too lightly regulated and that’s a problem

In Australia, pawnbrokers are largely exempt from national consumer credit laws and it’s leaving often-desperate people exposed to acute risks

Business & Economics

Too many Aussies are starting a family and raising their kids in poverty

New research finds that the birth of a first child reduces household income and increases the risk of disadvantage

Business & Economics

More than half of Australians are only just making ends meet

Many Australians are struggling to pay for everyday essentials, but some of us are feeling the pinch more than others

Business & Economics

Avoiding the cliff and the freefall into poverty

For more than 20 years, Anti-Poverty Week has campaigned to ensure that every Australian has adequate food and shelter. How far have we come?

Politics & Society

Seeing the invisible vulnerable in our cities

The Global South’s urban poor are often violently displaced and excluded from the processes and places which determine their lives

Business & Economics

A family breakup is a poverty trap for women

A woman’s risk of falling into poverty doubles after a separation, with a family breakup a poverty trap for many, says new University of Melbourne research

Business & Economics

Persistent poverty is a major policy issue

While having a job is often crucial to lifting people out of poverty, adequate income support and child care are also critical

Business & Economics

Ensuring families aren’t left behind in the recovery

The COVID-19 economic shock has seen widespread financial stress among families with young children and now is the time to tackle it

Business & Economics

Targeting support to break the cycle of disadvantage

Families’ reliance on income support is being passed down across generations, primarily among children of single parents and parents with disabilities

Sciences & Technology

Food for thought

University students going hungry in Australia was a persistent problem before COVID-19, now it’s time we use the crisis to come up with sustainable solutions for our campuses