Premature Birth

Health & Medicine
Parents of premature babies are being left behind
The Australian paid parental leave scheme has no provision for babies born prematurely or unwell, it’s time for a change to support all families

Health & Medicine
Premature birth linked to lung disease later in life
New research led by the University of Melbourne shows a link between premature birth and obstructive lung disease after age 50, particularly for smokers

Health & Medicine
Birth isn’t destiny
A study of over 12,000 births suggests that the high rates of low birth weight among Aboriginal babies can be addressed within a generation if we improve maternal health

Health & Medicine
How every day counts for pre-term babies
Doctors can now update parents on how their very tiny baby’s chances of survival are changing as they progress through intensive care, offering hope for many families

Health & Medicine
The challenge of small and preterm babies
An Australian-first study has found that underweight preterm babies face no more risk of serious short-term complications than normal weight preterm babies of the same gestational age

Health & Medicine
A smart phone app for cerebral palsy screening
Early diagnosis appears key for physiotherapy interventions for cerebral palsy, so researchers have developed an app for parents to video their child for remote screening

Health & Medicine
Rethinking premature baby care
Modern medical care for pre-term newborns is inadvertently causing more lung issues for these children as they grow up, compared to older techniques

Health & Medicine
How caffeine helps premature babies breathe easy
Doctors have been using caffeine for pre-term babies since the 1990s, and new research shows the benefits last for years

Health & Medicine
Predicting premmies: The test that could save babies’ lives
How flagging early labour will give premature babies the best chance of a healthy start