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  1. 11 April 2024 - Health & Wellbeing

    Too many people die after leaving prison

    The high rate of death after release from incarceration is tragic and avoidable, requiring whole-of-government responses, say University of Melbourne experts.

  2. 13 April 2023 - Legal Affairs

    Quantifying an Australian crisis: Black deaths in custody

    Official statistics recorded 106 deaths in custody last year, but these figures underestimate the scale of the crisis, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  3. 16 February 2023 - Health & Wellbeing

    Giving everyone the right to sport

    Sport and physical activity are human rights, so there needs to be equitable access for young people in the justice system say University of Melbourne experts.

  4. 22 March 2022 - Health & Wellbeing

    People in prison still in COVID-19 lockdown

    Sustained COVID-19 lockdowns in prisons weigh on people's mental health. A University of Melbourne expert asks whether we are doing enough to protect them?

  5. 25 November 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Prisons are communities too

    COVID-19 has exposed the urgent need to reform incarceration systems globally to end overcrowding and improve health care, say University of Melbourne experts

  6. 13 September 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    We are leaving people released from prison vulnerable

    People released from prison are vulnerable and more likely to be the victims of violence, says University of Melbourne research, and more support is needed.

  7. 14 July 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Caring for the terminally ill in prison

    New research from University of Melbourne highlights the opportunities to improve care for people in prison dying from a progressive, life-limiting illness.

  8. 13 June 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Too young for Facebook, old enough for prison?

    You can’t sign up to Facebook until age 13, but in Australia you can face a criminal offence at age 10; University of Melbourne experts say that needs to change

  9. 11 June 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Giving prisoners a sporting chance

    Physical activity programs for prisoners like sport and organised runs aren't soft on crime, but help people rehabilitate says a University of Melbourne expert.

  10. 13 February 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Vulnerable women trapped by changes to bail laws

    Victoria State has toughened bail and parole, but it’s the most vulnerable women who are being imprisoned as a consequence, University of Melbourne experts warn