
Health & Medicine
Book extract
Knowing when to seek help for mental health
When challenges arise we may feel confused, but there are five signs to help us understand when to seek mental health support

Health & Medicine
Personalising mental health care
A unique ‘fingerprint’ for mental health shows promise for accelerating diagnosis and personalising treatment

Health & Medicine
The legacy of maltreatment on the brain
Childhood maltreatment is a pervasive problem; new research sheds light on why brain development may be derailed by maltreatment during the ‘sensitive’ adolescent period

Health & Medicine
Mapping the terra incognita of our brains
New research has created the most detailed subcortical atlas to date, mapping the most ancient part of our brain – the subcortex

Health & Medicine
Is psychiatry shrinking what we think of as normal?
Concerns that normality is being medicalised by the inflation of psychiatric diagnosis criteria appear overblown – but some conditions do need scrutiny

Health & Medicine
Towards faster treatment for major depressive disorder
Physiologist Professor Scott Thompson studies how the brain changes in patients with major depression to identify more effective, faster acting antidepressants

Health & Medicine
Changing the image problem of electroconvulsive therapy
Many people still think of electroconvulsive therapy as a barbaric treatment, often dramatised in movies, but modern ECT that includes patient’s families can help dispel the stigma

Politics & Society
Why are the rates of restrictive practices in Victoria’s mental health services so high?
Victoria has some of the highest reported rates of restrictive practices in mental health in Australia, but the upcoming Victorian Royal Commission may not investigate them

Health & Medicine
Coercion in mental health care: Finding a new way
Secluding, physically restraining or overmedicating people experiencing mental health crises still happens, but countries around the world are trialling successful alternatives

Health & Medicine
War and trauma: Learning the lessons
From a cup of tea behind the lines, to sophisticated psychological therapies, we are still working to improve treatments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder