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  1. Podcast12 May 2021 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    The other side of happiness

    University of Melbourne psychologist Brock Bastian explains how life’s painful and difficult experiences play a very important role in producing happiness

  2. 3 May 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Trust betrayed: Attacked from the inside out

    Women are exposed to a particularly insidious and damaging trauma when subjected to Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, says University of Melbourne expert.

  3. 3 May 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    What a friend experiencing abuse needs most is an ally

    Women subject to Intimate Partner Violence often rely on friends but it can be difficult for friends to know how to respond say University of Melbourne experts.

  4. Podcast18 March 2021 - Eavesdrop on Ideas

    Finding friendship in art and algorithms

    Eavesdrop on Ideas explores the vital nature of friendship and community, not just with other humans but also our connections to nature, algorithms and art.

  5. 13 November 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    The science of supporting others

    University of Melbourne experts provide six evidence-based tips for providing support in times of extreme change –finding our ‘COVID normal'.

  6. Podcast11 November 2020 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    What makes super-viral content so shareable?

    Dr Brent Coker from the University of Melbourne collects memes. His research reveals the psychological triggers that evoke social media content sharing and why.

  7. 3 November 2020 - Under the Microscope

    What does a great day at work look like?

    The University of Melbourne's Dr Rebecca Jarden’s training in nursing led her to research what a balanced approach to measuring wellbeing for nurses looks like.

  8. 30 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Borderline Personality disorder: It’s time to change the narrative

    By challenging societal and health care stigma, people with Borderline Personality Disorder can lead a fulfilling life say University of Melbourne experts.

  9. Podcast30 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    The brain benefits of music

    The University of Melbourne's Professor Sarah Wilson discusses music neuroscience and why no other species uses a complex musical system like we do.

  10. 9 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Scaling up efforts to tackle male self-harm

    Males account for the vast majority of deaths by suicide and University of Melbourne researchers are leading a new effort to show which interventions work best.