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Public Policy

  1. 16 June 2016 - Public Affairs

    Government: When enough is enough

    The size of government in Australia is no bigger than average but some fear the nanny state is taking over, say University of Melbourne experts

  2. 30 May 2016 - Learning & Teaching

    Knowing the value, but not the cost

    Australia's ongoing debate over how to sustainably fund higher education has focused on who should pay and how much without anyone knowing the cost of a degree.

  3. Podcast25 May 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Red Book, Blue Book – How do elections impact on policy?

    A former senior civil servant who has served under 5 prime ministers and 9 cabinet ministers provides insights into the impact of elections on public policy.

  4. 24 May 2016 - Public Affairs

    Looking beyond elections for good policy

    Frustrations over short-term policy making is easily blamed on election cycles, but democracy may be part of the solution say University of Melbourne experts.

  5. 20 April 2016 - Public Affairs

    Policy-making (mis)using the brain

    Neuroscience has been used as justification for particular policy initiatives. But in some cases the science was misused.

  6. 1 April 2016 - Animals, Food & You

    Putting the chicken before the eggs

    The proposed rules for limits in the number of hens per metre allowed in free range egg farms work to make us feel better, rather than ensure animal welfare.

  7. 7 March 2016 - Humanities

    Flexible families = workplace equality

    Here are five key ideas that could have a positive effect on equalising gender relations and improving the status of families.

  8. Podcast26 February 2016 - Up Close

    Costing us dearly: The toll of austerity policy on public health

    Sociologist David Stuckler argues that austerity policies imposed by national governments in response to economic crises serve to worsen public health.

  9. 3 February 2016 - Public Affairs

    How research can improve outcomes

    The 2016 Disability, Human Rights and Social Equity Conference, hosted by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute at the University of Melbourne.

  10. Podcast5 January 2016 - Up Close

    Whatever happened to the ozone hole?

    Atmospheric scientists David Karoly and Robyn Schofield discuss the ozone hole over the Antarctic, and what effect timely action has had in reversing it.