Public Transport

It’s time to put Australia’s car dependency in reverse
Repurposing our streets away from a focus on cars is crucial to creating more accessible and sustainable cities

Politics & Society
Is Melbourne really a 24-hour city if public transport stops?
Sometimes Melbourne’s public transport goes dark. Our Map of the Month shows it makes life hard – even dangerous – for those in our night-time economy

A Big Build or a big bet?
Melbourne’s Suburban Rail Loop aims to help the city become more equitable – but better integration of land use and transport could deliver more benefits for less money

Is Melbourne’s new bus proposal really faster and fairer?
Melbourne’s proposed bus program could change the city’s public transport system for the better, but it doesn’t quite go far enough

Better bus networks for fairer suburbs can cut emissions
Zero-emission buses are important but we also need to redesign suburban networks to get people out of their cars

Doing more to stop sexual violence in plain sight
A lack of understanding of women’s fear in public spaces still puts the burden of personal safety on the victim, not the perpetrator

Adapting Melbourne’s public transport to ‘COVID normal’
Given Melbourne’s franchised model of public transport provision, who is best positioned to manage cross-disciplinary risks during a pandemic?

Sciences & Technology
Covid-19: A challenge and an opportunity for public transport
The pandemic has raised doubts over mass public transport, but connective technology offers a new way to keep everyone moving sustainably

Arts & Culture
Jon Cattapan, artist, on his Melbourne art tram
The Melbourne Art Trams project is now a fixture of the Melbourne Festival, and artists are happy to jump on board