
Politics & Society
Truth-telling and re-naming is an opportunity to redefine our future
Physical education pioneer Fritz Duras had a distinguished career, but our truth-telling process uncovered another side to Duras that can’t be ignored

Politics & Society
Cities must act quickly to challenge disinformation-fuelled violence
Riots and violent unrest in the UK following the murder of children in Southport demonstrates the need for city governments to act quickly against disinformation

Arts & Culture
Universities can change names without distancing themselves from troubling histories
Removing a person’s name from a building need not mean the University severs its relationship with its past, instead it is an opportunity to redefine our future

Arts & Culture
‘The 1’: Something’s been forgotten in the Kanye-Taylor feud
There was more than one ‘victim’ from the infamous Kanye West 2009 VMA’s “I’mma let you finish” moment

Politics & Society
Flying the flag for change?
Australian symbols have meaning for us collectively – highlighting the past and present impacts of settler colonialism, racism and the possibility for a different future

Arts & Culture
Understanding modern attacks on Gandhi
Statues of Indian independence leader, Mahatma Gandhi, have been vandalised or removed around the world – but why does his likeness face attacks today?

Politics & Society
Book extract
Racism in sport: So where to from here?
While we have made great steps forward, when the ‘rubber hits the road’ Australia is coming up short when it comes to racism in sport

Arts & Culture
Is opera dead or can it redefine itself?
Caitlin Vincent, a lecturer in the creative industries, describes how we can interpret classical operas in a way that does not perpetuate harmful stereotypes or cultural appropriation

Politics & Society
Real action needed on Aboriginal deaths in custody
It’s 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody but families continue to lose loved ones amid high incarceration rates, making the need for effective action ever more urgent

Getting racism out of the classroom
Schools are part of a system of colonial rule that is not easily overwritten; the education system and teachers must work to understand and challenge structural racism