Royal Commission

Health & Medicine
People with experience of mental health conditions should be paid to help others
The expertise of people with lived experience of mental health conditions should be employed to help turbocharge system-wide reform

What can Australia’s pandemic response teach us about bushfire recovery?
While Australia’s state and federal governments responded rapidly to COVID-19, the response to the summer’s devastating bushfires suffers by comparison

Business & Economics
Making the financial industry more like a health service
The unethical conduct in financial services being exposed by Australia’s Royal Commission is the latest wake up call for the industry to refocus on the well being of its customers

Bushfires: How politics is compromising safety
As fire seasons become longer, more complex and damaging, an industrial dispute is the last thing fire-prone communities need

Politics & Society
Children entitled to a life where their rights are protected
The confronting scenes at a juvenile detention centre are another illustration of Australia’s appalling history of institutional child abuse

Learning to learn from bushfires
Finger pointing, blame and scapegoating is not the answer. Looking forward and understanding the risks is the right way.