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  1. 20 April 2018 - Science Matters

    Your grandchildren may retire before we have gender equality in science

    University of Melbourne research has found the gender gap for women working in STEMM could remain for generations without intervention.

  2. 15 March 2018 - Science Matters

    A brief history of Hawking’s scientific legacy

    Stephen Hawking left a legacy to science; a University of Melbourne expert looks at what he left behind, from gravitational waves to imaginary time.

  3. 8 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Miss Lambert’s Thylacine skull

    Pioneering women zoologists and explorers, including those at the University of Melbourne, contributed to naturalist collections like the Tiegs Museum.

  4. 29 November 2017 - Under the Microscope

    Expanding young, indigenous, scientific minds

    University of Melbourne volunteer and mentor Adriana Zanca talks about working with young indigenous scientists towards an exciting future.

  5. 26 October 2017 - Science Matters

    The hi-tech archaeological scientists

    Archaeological science combines technology and history to answer ancient questions; a new University of Melbourne chair looks to advance those specialist skills

  6. 16 October 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Knee deep in footy injuries

    Sports medicine has made huge advances into treating knee injuries; University of Melbourne experts discuss the prevention of injuries, especially in AFL.

  7. 9 September 2017 - Science Matters

    Life’s a drag, unless you live in a bubble

    An international team led by the University of Melbourne has shown objects can sink in water with close to zero drag, proving an 18th century physics theory.

  8. 24 August 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    Getting more women into technology careers. Now.

    University of Melbourne experts say there needs to be a big shift in educational focus and workplace culture to get more women into careers in technology.

  9. 15 August 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    Realising the promise of STEM education

    Australia is behind in students learning STEM subjects; the University of Melbourne looks at how other countries are inspiring kids to take maths and sciences.

  10. 8 August 2017 - Science Matters

    Spinning diamonds for quantum precision

    University of Melbourne physicists have discovered a way to protect highly sensitive quantum sensors from external magnetic fields by spinning diamonds.