Sexual Assault

Health & Medicine
Stopping sexual assault means addressing violence in relationships
Sexual assault and domestic violence frequently co-occur – so it makes no sense to try and tackle one without the other

Politics & Society
Allegations of sexual harassment and abuse an urgent test for government
The latest sexual assault allegations to consume Australia’s parliament is a reminder that a roadmap for legislative reform has been ‘left on the shelf’

Health & Medicine
Listening to the voices of survivors of violence and abuse
Whether it’s addressing sexual violence, coercive control or interventions for perpetrators – the voices of women survivors are central to making a difference

Health & Medicine
Let’s not wait for the next attack. We can act
Early intervention services are critical for helping to prevent harmful sexual behaviour in young people – and they don’t exist in Australia. That needs to change. Now.

Politics & Society
Dynamics of Scandal: On facilitating, denying and covering up institutional child sex abuse
From our archives: How can perpetrators hide for so long and at what point does rumour become scandal?

Health & Medicine
Helping sexual violence survivors heal needs understanding
Having to repeat their story of abuse multiple times at different health services is re-traumatising for many women. A new report recommends ways to improve the system.

Arts & Culture
More than a yes or no question
Changing definitions of sexual consent from just saying “no” to having to say “yes” is good but we can’t pretend that consent is just a word problem.