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Social Justice

  1. 7 June 2023 - Design

    The future of our public housing towers

    Clever refurbishments of Melbourne’s ageing public housing towers instead of demolition could save millions of dollars, say University of Melbourne researchers

  2. 2 August 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Why social conditions need to guide our COVID-19 policies

    A new demographic index identifying vulnerable population areas can drive better policy making to control COVID-19 outbreaks say University of Melbourne experts

  3. 28 May 2021 - Humanities

    Artists, environment and truth telling in Indonesia

    Indonesia's environmentally activist artists are also confronting the country's political past as they seek new way forward says University of Melbourne expert.

  4. 16 October 2019 - Humanities

    Mapping back to a lost childhood

    An interactive online map of Australian care homes, developed at the University of Melbourne, is helping those who grew up in care to track down their history.

  5. Podcast4 September 2019 - Legal Affairs

    Bringing democracy to the internet

    University of Melbourne graduate Lizzie O’Shea says that we should look to histories of computing and social movements in order to determine our digital future.

  6. 23 September 2018 - Humanities

    Helping care leavers find and connect to their past

    Find & Connect, run by the University of Melbourne, is a living online history project that allows people who lived in care to tell their side of the story.

  7. 18 February 2018 - Humanities

    Is it time to tax ‘old money’?

    University of Melbourne philosopher Daniel Halliday argues it is time to tax old money to arrest the widening social inequality in Australia.

  8. Podcast21 December 2017 - The Policy Shop

    Taking the pulse of the NDIS

    The University of Melbourne's Policy Shop considers the history of the NDIS and how the rollout is going so far, with former chair of the NDIA Bruce Bonyhady.

  9. 24 September 2017 - Humanities

    When kissing was a crime

    The University of Melbourne Archives preserves a unique window on the poignant stories and changing social attitudes that mark the history of LGBTI liberation

  10. Podcast28 July 2017 - Up Close

    How attitudes disable

    Social epidemiologist Eric Emerson argues we've yet to grasp how disability arises not from impairment but from the interaction between health and our society.