Social Science

Health & Medicine

Why antibiotics give you thrush and other microbiome mishaps

Antibiotics cause an imbalance between fungi and bacteria in our microbiome. New ways of understanding this imbalance can help protect against serious disease



Under the Microscope

Cultivating inclusive research

Being outside of the mainstream helped guide Dr Andrea Rawluk onto a path of research that asks us to challenge the status quo to integrate the environment and society

Health & Medicine

How ‘artificial societies’ are helping plan our COVID-19 response

Computational social science has come to the fore in the COVID-19 response, allowing policy makers to trial policies on ‘artificial societies’ and see the results – before doing it in real life




Renewing Democracy in a time of environmental crisis

Social researcher Dr Rebecca Huntley says renewing democracy is critical to dealing with climate change because there’s little trust in our current politics to do anything about it

Health & Medicine

Is Freud’s legacy fading?

Despite reports of the demise of psychoanalysis, in some parts of the world, Freud’s psychoanalytic ideas are alive and well

Arts & Culture



The social life of algorithms: Shaping, and shaped by, our world

Informatics researcher Paul Dourish on how the algorithms that guide our social lives and organisation are themselves products of human social actions