Social Work

Health & Medicine

Peer support groups connect people living with a brain injury

A collaboration between the University of Melbourne and Brain Injury Matters is learning from adults with a brain injury what peer support groups mean to them

Health & Medicine

Women who use force

While domestic and family violence is predominantly perpetrated by men, it’s important to understand the reasons why some women use force

Health & Medicine


Under the Microscope

Decolonising social work

Social worker, educator and proud Durrumbal/Kullilli and Yidinji woman, Tileah Drahm-Butler, finds a narrative therapy approach is resonating with Aboriginal practitioners and clients alike

Politics & Society

Beyond beauty

Are we undervaluing the role beauty workers can play in encouraging some of society’s most vulnerable to seek professional support?

Health & Medicine

No place for ‘good bloke’ excuse

The media reporting of domestic violence is important and needs to be responsible if it is to avoid fuelling or excusing violence

Arts & Culture

Hip Hop’s healing power

Born from marginalised communities as a force of self-expression, Hip Hop gets an unfairly bad rap for its confronting lyrics, but its power to promote mental and social health is going mainstream