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  1. 8 February 2024 - Humanities

    ‘Fearless’: How Taylor Swift is owning her narrative

    From her teenage crushes to feuds, Taylor Swift uses confession and narrative to shape the public story of her life, explains a University of Melbourne expert.

  2. 7 February 2023 - Humanities

    Indigenous ceremonial performance opening up intercultural dialogue

    Songs, dances and ceremonial traditions offer a rare insight into Australian history from an Indigenous perspective, says University of Melbourne researcher.

  3. 17 July 2020 - Humanities

    What today’s news has in common with early execution ballads

    Scandal and violence dominate our headlines; but a University of Melbourne expert says little has changed since execution ballads were sung in sixteenth century

  4. 11 August 2017 - Music, Arts & Screen

    Clearing the fog of dementia with song

    A new study led by the University of Melbourne will investigate the potential for music therapy as a dementia treatment.

  5. 29 February 2016 - Music, Arts & Screen

    On a positive note: Songwriting as a therapy method

    In creating music we can share something of our experiences and ourselves – a notion explored by Professor Felicity Baker in therapeutic songwriting.

  6. 5 November 2015 - Music, Arts & Screen

    Naughty, bawdy, gaudy, sporty – it’s 42nd Street

    Graduating University of Melbourne music theatre and production students bring the glitz of Broadway classic 42nd Street to the stage.

  7. 5 November 2015 - Legal Affairs

    Anthem for genocide: Why sound and the law need a fair hearing

    Britney Spears as music torture may at first seem like a joke, but the law needs to keep an ear on weaponised sound says University of Melbourne expert.