
Sciences & Technology

Have resistance, will travel

Pest insects, like mosquitoes, are becoming increasingly resistant to insecticides. So how are these genetic invasions threatening pest control?

Sciences & Technology

Why do small dogs live longer than big dogs?

Larger animals tend to live longer than smaller ones, but within the dog kingdom it pays to be short. Here’s why


The threatened species in our urban jungle

Far from being a biodiversity wasteland, urban environments are home to some of Australia’s most threatened species

Sciences & Technology

Re-diversifying our waterways, a garden stake at a time

For hundreds of years we’ve cleared the natural debris that builds up in our waterways, wiping out the habitats and ecologies of river animals in the process. Now a low-tech idea is bringing them back.


Move it or lose it: Exploiting genetic diversity to fight extinction

We need to think differently about species conservation