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  1. 28 October 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Translating thought into action

    A human trial of a tiny device developed by University Melbourne researchers is allowing patients with paralysis to operate computers just with their thoughts

  2. 4 December 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Stimulating the brain – without major surgery

    University of Melbourne researchers have shown the Stentrode, a tiny device inserted next to the motor cortex, can stimulate, as well as record, brain activity.

  3. 27 December 2017 - Science Matters

    Sounds like science fiction

    Some of the technological innovations of 2017 sound like sci-fi, and several University of Melbourne experts have played a key role in those advances.

  4. 29 October 2016 - Health & Wellbeing

    Thought-controlled movement

    A tiny device implanted next to the brain’s motor cortex could one day help paralysed people move their limbs again.

  5. 17 February 2016 - Under the Microscope

    At the forefront of the robotic revolution

    At just 35, Dr Thomas Oxley has led the development of a new implantable device, with profound potential in medicine and thought-controlled technology

  6. Podcast10 February 2016 - Up Close

    In Pursuit podcast: Thought-controlled futures

    We talk to the developers of the stentrode, a new engineering marvel that allows brain activity to be recorded and used to control an exoskeleton.

  7. 9 February 2016 - Health & Wellbeing

    Next-Gen technologies: All in our minds

    As we move from the information era to the robotic era, thought-controlled technologies have far-reaching potential for how we live our lives.

  8. 9 February 2016 - Health & Wellbeing

    Moving with the power of thought

    A device the size of a matchstick, implanted next to the brain’s motor cortex, could one day help paralysed people move their limbs.