
Health & Medicine

Non-binary people have hormone therapy and surgery more often than you might think

New research finds that a growing number of non-binary people have or want to affirm their gender medically

Health & Medicine


Go Figure

Why is there a shortage of oestrogen patches in Australia… again?

Many people rely on hormone replacement therapy during menopause or gender-affirming hormone therapy – but the recurring national shortages of patches look set to continue


The importance of allies on IDAHOBIT Day

While increased visibility of the LGBTQIA SB+ community aims to promote acceptance, it can inadvertently increase stigma, highlighting the need for strong allies on days of awareness

Politics & Society

Australia’s courts and gender dysphoria

Australia’s Family Court continues to oversee the treatment for children experiencing gender dysphoria in some cases, but is there a better alternative?

Health & Medicine

Challenging five years of transphobia

The real-world impact of the ‘transgender debate’ is unrelenting on Australia’s trans community, however, small but visible acts of allyship can go a long way

Health & Medicine

Dispelling the myths about transgender people

Transgender people are simply trying to live their best and most authentic lives, just like anyone else

Arts & Culture

Understanding the diversity of Australia’s LGBTQI+ community

To understand the issues that impact people within our LGBTQI+ community, many of us need to acknowledge our own position of privilege

Health & Medicine

Why have nearly half of transgender Australians attempted suicide?

Stigma and discrimination must be urgently addressed to reduce alarming rates of attempted suicide among transgender Australians

Politics & Society



The human cost of homophobia and transphobia

Michael King on the psychological damage suffered by victims of these types of discrimination, and what can be done to reduce their prevalence