
Directly or indirectly, we all depend on forests
To stop deforestation for agricultural use, we need to transform the way we produce and consume food

The great tree census of 2023
After 15 months spent measuring 51,324 trees across 16 hectares, Australia has joined the Forest Global Earth Observatory

Sciences & Technology
The complexities of predicting climate change effects
Some of Australia’s iconic ecosystems are collapsing, which is likely exacerbated by climate change. But we must understand the dynamics of our ecosystems in order to protect them

Sciences & Technology
Planting timber forests on Australian farms
Australia needs new business models between industry and agriculture to inspire investment in trees on farms in order to guarantee the country’s future timber resources

Sciences & Technology
Why Australia’s severe bushfires may be bad news for tree regeneration
Australia’s trees have evolved with fire, most needing some fire for renewal, but now our forests have had too much severe fire

Sciences & Technology
Planting trees is no substitute for natural forests
Allowing degraded natural forests to re-grow is a more effective, immediate and low-cost method for removing and storing atmospheric carbon than planting new trees

One million urban trees
Trees and green spaces are essential for urban sustainability and liveability, but so is planting the right things in the right places

Sciences & Technology
Protecting our thirsty urban trees from more harsh summers
Urban forests are great for keeping our cities cool, but as temperatures go up they need water to survive - and that’s where redirecting storm water to street trees comes in

Sciences & Technology
Finding the building blocks of wood
Scientists are looking inside plant cells to learn how wood is formed and how that process can help develop materials for the future

Sciences & Technology
Go Figure
Going green: Are fake Christmas trees more eco-friendly than the real thing?
A real tree needs to be grown and chopped down, while a plastic one can be re-used year after year – so which one is actually greener?