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Urban Design

  1. 6 October 2023 - Science Matters

    When it’s hot in the city, let green spaces do the sweating for you

    Where you live determines access to the benefits of urban green spaces, but that shouldn’t be the case with better design, says University of Melbourne expert.

  2. 7 June 2023 - Design

    The future of our public housing towers

    Clever refurbishments of Melbourne’s ageing public housing towers instead of demolition could save millions of dollars, say University of Melbourne researchers

  3. 2 May 2023 - Design

    Bendigo Street and occupation as protest

    The Bendigo Street Occupation shows housing activists and local governments can better work together for housing justice, say University of Melbourne experts.

  4. 2 March 2023 - Engineering & Technology

    Creating digital twins to save our cities

    Digital technologies that allow experts to recreate and predict future city environments are key to sustainable urban design, say University of Melbourne expert

  5. 9 February 2023 - Design

    Upholding the human rights of Manila’s urban poor

    University of Melbourne researchers and grassroots networks in Manila are supporting the health and livelihood of the ‘urban poor’ for a post-pandemic recovery

  6. 5 July 2022 - Design

    Australian cities failing on walkability

    International study shows Australian cities designed around cars not walking, hampering bid to boost physical activity, says University of Melbourne researcher

  7. 29 October 2021 - Design

    Despairing about climate change?

    Education plays a key role in inspiring cities and communities to create more resilient places for our climate future, say University of Melbourne experts.

  8. 9 September 2021 - Design

    Liveable Melbourne a blessing amid weary lockdowns

    Melburnians are weary of COVID-19 lockdowns, but they can be grateful for, and protective of their highly liveable city says University of Melbourne researcher

  9. 7 May 2021 - Design

    Designing-in difference

    University of Melbourne research finds culturally inclusive urban design can help shape our everyday public spaces and encourage vibrant multicultural interplay

  10. 20 April 2021 - Design

    City climate leadership a model for sustainability

    The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a global blueprint, but University of Melbourne experts say our cities have a key role in transformative change.