Veterinary Sciences

Sciences & Technology

The biometric data that could predict racehorse injury

Linking existing biometric data has the potential to identify and prevent racehorse injuries before they become catastrophic

Sciences & Technology

Science can help dogs enjoy their best life

A new TV series explores the journey of dogs, but science is giving us new insights into how we can help our canine friends thrive

Sciences & Technology

When money means a life or death choice for our dogs

New research finds many family pets are euthanised for economic reasons, when treatment is possible, but costs are too high

Sciences & Technology

Preventing racehorse injuries

Racehorse injuries are complex but can be prevented by appropriate practice for the horse and cautious monitoring by veterinarians aided by scanning technology

Health & Medicine

Coronavirus in cats?

Remdesivir may not be the ‘magic bullet’ for patients with COVID-19, but it may greatly benefit cats suffering from a deadly disease caused by a different coronavirus


Dealing with separation anxiety in dogs

Separation anxiety in pets can affect the quality of their life and the people who live with them. But there are ways to reduce the risk of your dog acquiring the condition

Sciences & Technology


Under the Microscope

Seeing the beauty in animal bone research

Dr Babatunde Ayodele is part of a team researching the bones of racehorses. Now, his research has inspired the façade of a new University building.

Health & Medicine

Making the link between family violence and animal abuse

Sometimes it’s the vet who is the first medical professional to see the signs of family violence



Under the Microscope

Conserving biodiversity to safeguard our future

From reintroducing previously-extinct species to examining apex predators, the new Head of the Melbourne Veterinary School Anna Meredith works across disciplines to maintain diversity in ecosystems

Sciences & Technology

Raw chicken linked to paralysis in dogs

Chicken necks are a common treat for dogs, but pet owners are being warned they have been linked with a potentially fatal form of paralysis