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  1. 22 May 2017 - Public Affairs

    More Jaw Jaw: Stopping North Korea going critical

    As North Korea ramps up its nuclear weapons threat, Donald Trump says he's willing to talk; a University of Melbourne expert says diplomacy is the only answer.

  2. 23 April 2017 - Inside Business

    Accounting the cost of war

    In WW2, Australia began manufacturing munitions, and a team of accountants from the University of Melbourne was called in by the government to stop profiteering

  3. 11 April 2017 - Legal Affairs

    Why is Russia still supporting Syria?

    As the G7 puts pressure on Russia to cut ties with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, the University of Melbourne examines why Russia is still supporting Syria.

  4. 23 March 2017 - Humanities

    Lest we forget: Storing precious memories

    Victorian families wanting help preserving wartime memorabilia from relatives who have served in the armed forces will have access to an expert roadshow in 2017

  5. Podcast9 September 2016 - Up Close

    Twisting the law on the way to the battlefield

    How governments contort global and domestic laws to wage war on non-state Islamist forces, and how those forces invoke Islamic law to justify their actions.

  6. 18 April 2016 - Public Affairs

    Peacemaker: Is Australia up to the task?

    Australia's lack of action - and motivation - to assist in lessening conflicts overseas remains a critical gap in our defence policy.

  7. 13 January 2016 - Humanities

    The fight to save Syrian antiquities

    With hostilities continuing to rage in Syria, the fight is also on to save the country's precious cultural heritage

  8. 8 October 2015 - Public Affairs

    Is Australia strong enough to protect?

    The Greens and civil society orgs launched a campaign to accept 20,000 refugees from Syria. Is Australia ready to change course on migration?