Sciences & Technology
Extreme waves set to be bigger and more frequent
As the planet warms, researchers are warning that the frequency and magnitude of extreme wave events may rise by around 10 per cent by the end of century, increasing flood risks
Sciences & Technology
The ‘freak wave’ myth
New research finds ‘freak waves’ don’t really exist and Australia’s experienced rock fishers are the ones who best understand the danger of the ocean’s waves
Ocean waves and winds are getting higher and stronger
Using billions of satellite measurements, new research shows ocean waves and the winds that generate them have been increasing for the last 30 years
Sciences & Technology
What pancake ice tells us about the climate
The first fresh-water wave tank of its kind in the world is being used to study how pancake ice forms and melts, and could inform how we better model our global climate
Exploring the birthplace of monster waves
An expedition to the Antarctic explores where rogue waves begin, and what these monsters tell us about the way the ocean behaves and interacts with global climate change