
Sciences & Technology

The flawed algorithm at the heart of Robodebt

Robodebt teaches us that even simple automated decision-making systems come with the biases of the people, systems and policies that conceive them

Business & Economics

Time for a Universal Basic Income?

The socio-economic crisis brought about by COVID-19 reveals cracks in existing social welfare systems and the need for radical transformation

Health & Medicine

Caring for India’s elderly during COVID-19

India’s recently extended lockdown for COVID-19 is particularly difficult for the country’s elderly, but there are steps than can be taken to ease the burden

Politics & Society

Securing India’s food supply during COVID-19

India’s old system of subsidised crop prices for farmers and the needy is proving its worth at a time of economic crisis

Politics & Society

The promise of a Minimum Income Guarantee in the Indian elections

As Indians prepare to vote in the general election, a campaign promise could bring wage equality to the tens of millions of India’s poorest people

Business & Economics

Henderson’s legacy: Revisiting universal basic income

Former Deputy Prime Minister Brian Howe revisits Professor Ronald Henderson’s seminal work on poverty, and explains why the case for a basic income is relevant today now more than ever