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Women In Science

  1. 11 March 2018 - Science Matters

    Trailblazing for women in science

    The University of Melbourne's Frances Separovic was Victoria's first female chemistry professor and has now been included on the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.

  2. 8 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Miss Lambert’s Thylacine skull

    Pioneering women zoologists and explorers, including those at the University of Melbourne, contributed to naturalist collections like the Tiegs Museum.

  3. Podcast30 November 2017 - Up Close

    Fume with a view: consumer products and your indoor air quality

    University of Melbourne Professor Anne Steinermann outlines the consequences of scented products, revealing how our indoor environments are making us sick.

  4. Podcast10 November 2017 - The Policy Shop

    Why can’t we cure cancer?

    This episode of the University of Melbourne's Policy Shop explores why finding a cancer cure is difficult, and how governments can fund research and treatment.

  5. Podcast6 November 2017 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Making friends with fronds: understanding plants’ feelings

    Dr Kim Johnson from the University of Melbourne discusses how plants respond to their environments and how this understanding can help grow better crops.

  6. 10 October 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Kids’ sleep a key indicator of wellbeing

    The ABC's massive children's happiness survey reveals that sleep is a key indicator of a child's wellbeing, according to University of Melbourne analysis

  7. Podcast6 October 2017 - Up Close

    Towards cancer care that listens to patients

    Oncologist Lidia Schapira on how health outcomes improve when we respond to patients' lived experience of cancer and support them to engage with their own care.

  8. 2 October 2017 - Science Matters

    Written in King Billy’s tree rings: 1700 years of climate history

    University of Melbourne researchers have published a 1700 year tree ring chronology from King Billy pines in Tasmania, offering insights into climate history.

  9. 20 September 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Inactive kids at risk of falls and fractures in old age

    Sedentary children face a higher risk of osteoporosis in old age, due to lower bone density and poor executive function, say University of Melbourne researchers

  10. 24 August 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    It’s a fact: Women get better with age

    New research from the University of Melbourne finds that women get happier as they get older: with negative mood and depressive moods decreasing after 50.