Women's Health

Business & Economics
Could we be entering a new era in women’s health funding?
By listening to women’s voices and investing in targeted research, Australia is taking important steps towards creating a more equitable healthcare system

Health & Medicine
Why 2025 is a big year in women's health
As International Women's Day highlights both progress and setbacks, 2025 is emerging as a watershed year for women's health across the globe

Health & Medicine
All young people should get the HPV vaccine – girls and boys
Cancers caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV are entirely preventable. And now it takes just one dose to vaccinate against it

Sciences & Technology
Women living with chronic pain aren’t getting enough support at work
New research shows how medical gender bias affects Australian women’s experiences at work, particularly when it comes to managing chronic pain

Health & Medicine
Why women are more likely to ‘stress eat’
New research has discovered a brain pathway that drives stress-related eating, helping to explain what drives emotional overeating in women

Health & Medicine
Corporations are putting profits above the safety of women. And it's evil
The pelvic mesh scandal is an example of the evil of selling unsafe products. The law can and should do something about it

Health & Medicine
5 things you didn’t realise you need to know about perimenopause
One woman having a perimenopausal hot flush on live TV has started a national conversation about normalising the symptoms

Health & Medicine
Replanting the birthing trees
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and communities are working with researchers to create safe and sacred places for babies and families in the first 2000 days of life

Health & Medicine
Girls forced to act as boys in Afghanistan
The practice of bacha posh tries to circumvent Afghanistan’s rigid gender roles, but it also entrenches them. Girls and women need to be heard as who they are

Health & Medicine
Finding an ‘early warning’ for preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is one of the most serious complications a mother-to-be can face – new research aims to develop an early-warning blood test for pregnant women at risk