
Arts & Culture

No bandwidth to think is the cost of being time poor

Cyber time poverty can affect all of us as distractions from social media, work messages and 24-hour news, but we can fight back

Politics & Society

‘Forcing’ workers into the office misses the point

In 2024, there is still a place for physical workspaces – but employers need to think carefully about when and how to use them


Lockdown at sea a lesson in sustainable shipping

To combat climate change we need to decarbonise international shipping. Powering cargo ships with wind should be part of the solution

Health & Medicine

Reducing COVID-19 transmission without costing the Earth

While opening windows reduces COVID-19 spread, it also increases buildings’ energy use – new research has tested more efficient alternatives

Politics & Society

Reimagining age equality at work

There’s an ambivalence in age discrimination law. Now, age equality needs a voice to ensure a more equal future in the workplace


Rebuilding trust in a less trusting environment

COVID-19 and lockdowns have challenged our trust in institutions and in each other, but simple every day actions can help us to rebuild

Politics & Society

Surveillance: What is it good for?

Online monitoring raises serious questions about privacy and rights, but where justified it can be used for good if organisations consider wider issues like transparency and fairness

Politics & Society

Protecting staff at parliament house

We should expect Australia’s Parliament to comply with their own workplace health, safety and anti-discrimination laws when it comes to protecting the people who work there

Business & Economics

Is transparency at work good for productivity?

In a time of remote working, questions around motivation and productivity are more important than ever. Is transparency the answer?

Politics & Society

The future of offices in post-COVID Melbourne

As we work to get the economy and employment back on track, to what extent will workers return to offices and what could that mean for Melbourne’s CBD?