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World Health Organization

  1. 5 June 2023 - Science Matters

    Everyone has a part to play in food safety

    The WHO's World Food Safety Day reminds us we can all help prevent illness from food-borne disease with simple steps, says a University of Melbourne expert

  2. 21 June 2021 - Health & Medicine

    Promoting health in schools: Old idea, new opportunities

    The WHO’s ‘health promoting schools’ is an old idea, but new research including the University of Melbourne is finding new ways to fully realise its potential.

  3. 29 May 2020 - Legal Affairs

    The World Health Organization as pandemic police?

    The idea the World Health Organization could investigate disease in countries is interesting, but a University of Melbourne expert says there are clear problems

  4. 9 October 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Many of the world’s women are mistreated during childbirth

    In parts of the world women are commonly mistreated in health facilities during childbirth, World Health Organization and University of Melbourne research finds

  5. 14 January 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Deadly snakebites and saving lives

    Five million people are bitten by poisonous snakes globally each year; now a University of Melbourne expert is chairing the WHO's specialist group on snakebites

  6. 1 June 2016 - Health & Wellbeing

    Nothing plain about plain packaging

    Plain packaging in Australia is working, but the fight ahead is to secure plain packaging in Big Tobacco's growth markets in low and middle income countries.

  7. 13 May 2016 - Health & Medicine

    Fighting against the tide

    Australian and Indian scientists have teamed up to fight the rise of chronic illnesses in the developing world.

  8. 29 January 2016 - Health & Wellbeing

    Breastfeeding: The heart of the matter

    Breastfeeding is linked to better lifelong health and intelligence for children and improved health and wellbeing for mothers, a worldwide study shows.

  9. 28 October 2015 - Health & Wellbeing

    Eat processed meat – but not every day

    The World Health Organisation’s decision to list processed meat as a carcinogen has alarmed many. But should we be worried, or just maintain a balanced diet?

  10. 29 September 2015 - Humanities

    One week to save the world

    Students had one week to solve some of the world's biggest challenges. Could they do it?