Year 12
5 tips for Year 12 students preparing for exams
As Year 12 students prepare for their final exams during COVID-19, there are steps parents, carers and students can take to get through this final secondary school hurdle
Helping Year 12 students stay on track
As Term 2 starts for many students, COVID-19 means schooling at home has become a reality. So, how can parents and carers help? Particularly those in their final year of school?
5 ways to cope with disappointing Year 12 results
Receiving lower Year 12 scores than you had hoped can be devastating, but there are ways to manage what can be a stressful situation
Should school rankings matter?
In Victoria the VCE40+ figure is commonly used to rank schools – but is this a fair reflection of school quality?
Tips and tricks to boost your Year 12 scores
Study smarter not harder, with tips for students and parents from an educational neuroscientist