Is this the oldest rock art in the world?

Researchers are using state-of-the-art nuclear science to date the enigmatic rock art of the Kimberley
Published 24 September 2015
The Kimberley region of north-western Australia is home to one of the oldest, largest and most varied collections of art in the world. A quirk of geology and climate has preserved tens of thousands of rock artworks that were produced over tens of thousands of years.
Yet little is known about them.
A research team led by Professor Andy Gleadow from the University of Melbourne is using state-of-the-art nuclear science to date the rock art, in a project that could soon identify the oldest known artworks in the world.
This video, produced by the Kimberley Foundation Australia (KFA) and narrated by George Negus, shows some of these remarkable cultural artefacts, and the scientists, Indigenous people and volunteers trying to understand and preserve this unique cultural history.
The video features Professor Gleadow, Professor Janet Hergt, Dr Helen Green, PhD student Damien Finch and Master of Science student Jordy Grinpukel from the University of Melbourne, Dr David Fink from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, local elder Augustine Unangho of the Wallbi mob, and KFA directors Susan Bradley and Maria Myers.