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  1. 5 July 2018 - Science Matters

    Bringing back the northern white rhino from ‘extinction’

    Researchers from Europe, Japan and the University of Melbourne could save a species - using eggs from southern white rhinos and sperm from northern white rhinos

  2. 21 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Extinct Tasmanian tiger now back in 3D

    University of Melbourne experts have scanned and modelled preserved Tasmanian Tiger joeys, allowing them to reconstruct the marsupials' growth and development.

  3. 11 February 2018 - Science Matters

    The threatened species in our urban jungle

    With almost 380 threatened species living with us in our cities, a University of Melbourne expert says we can help conserve those species in our neighbourhoods

  4. 8 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Grasshoppers: The new poster bug for insect conservation

    University of Melbourne researchers have discovered Key's matchstick grasshopper is threatened, and are now looking into how it can be reintroduced in Victoria.

  5. 2 February 2018 - Go Figure

    Are redheads with blue eyes really going extinct?

    Red hair and blue eyes is the rarest colour combination in humans; a University of Melbourne expert looks at whether they're really going extinct.

  6. 12 December 2017 - Science Matters

    Secrets from beyond extinction: The Tasmanian tiger

    Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Museums Victoria have sequenced the entire Tasmanian tiger genome, revealing new secrets about the thylacine.

  7. 22 October 2017 - Science Matters

    Coming to the genetic rescue of our endangered marsupials

    A technique of genetic rescue developed by University of Melbourne researchers is bringing some of Australia's endangered marsupials back from the brink.